Forklift Safety Tips
Operating a forklift can be dangerous. But it’s a normal part of your everyday operations. That’s why it’s important to know what you can do to stay safe when using your machine. Read on for some safety tips, and contact KMC Forklift in Bryan, Texas for more information. We are proud to serve Caldwell, College Station, and Hearne too!
1. Get Certification
One basic safety precaution you should take is to acquire forklift certification for yourself and anyone who will be using the machine. Many accidents occur because of poor training, so don’t let that be you! It is also recommended that employers evaluate their employees’ forklift operating skills at least once every three years to ensure that they are up to date with all safety precautions.
2. Wear Proper Clothing
Another simple step you can take to stay safe when using a forklift is to wear the necessary gear. This includes safety shoes, hard hats, and a high-visibility vest. Don’t forget to tuck away any loose items of clothing so they do not get caught in the equipment.
3. Know Your Machine
An important part of staying safe while operating your equipment is to know your equipment’s class. There are different types of forklifts and each has its own structure, weight limit, turning radius, traveling speed, and more. Knowing the class of your machine will help you make sure you’re not exceeding any limits.
4. Inspect the Equipment Daily
Your machine should be inspected every day before use to ensure that it is safe to operate. Make sure to test all of the operating controls like the brakes, lights, horn, and steering wheel. Next, examine the tires as well as fluid levels. Make sure there are no cracks of damage to the forks. Finally, check for any water, oil, or radiator leaks.
5. Maintain 360 Degrees of Visibility
Making sure you have clear visibility all around you is one way to keep yourself and those around you safe when operating your machine. Keep the forks low to the ground in order to maintain visibility. Don’t forget to always make eye contact with pedestrians and other workers so you’re both aware of where you are moving. Use your headlights when additional lighting is needed.
6. Create a Floor Marking System
One more tip for maintaining a safe working environment is to implement a floor marking system at your job site. Create a color-coded system that tells workers where physical hazards are as well as equipment paths. This will improve the overall flow of traffic.
We hope these simple tips help you stay safe every time you operate a forklift! If you have any questions or you’re looking to buy some new equipment, contact KMC Forklift today. We are located in Bryan, Texas and are proud to serve Caldwell, College Station, and Hearne as well. We look forward to helping you with all of your forklift needs!